If you remitted a monthly expanded withholding tax (Form 0619E) filing outside of Taxumo, you'll want to make sure that you're able to deduct that from your quarterly expanded withholding tax (Form 1604E) filing in Taxumo.
Fortunately, it's an easy fix on Taxumo:
When you file your quarterly expanded withholding tax form, you'll see the following prompt below. Simply enter how much you remitted in the 1st and/or 2nd month of the quarter. So, for example, you're filing for Q3 (July, August, September), but you've already paid β±885.27 for July and you've also paid ββ±840.70 for August -- simply enter the above information in the respective fields: the amount remitted for July for the 1st month of the July-August-September quarter and the amount remitted for August for the 2nd month of the quarter.
You can see how we entered it in the below screen:
Do note that these fields are automatically filled out if you've been filing through Taxumo. So as you use Taxumo, the process gets easier and easier!